Hivewyre Interface
Hivewyre Interface
The account homepage is broken down into 2 sections. The top section provides campaign performance (in chart form) for the date ranges selected in the upper right hand corner for:
- Conversions
- Visitor Conversions - tracks the number of users that have seen your ad and returned to your site within 4 hours of less after seeing the ad
- Impressions
- Clicks
- Average click-through-rate
- Average cost-per-click
- Total conversion value: This is gross conversion value for what an advertiser's customers have paid for your products and can be attributed to an ad delivered by Hivewyre.
- Average order value: The total conversion value divided by the number of conversions attributed to Hivewyre campaigns.
- Spend for the period by the advertiser
By default, the charts load for all campaigns. The pull-down in the upper left hand section (just above the charts) allows for viewing by campaign.
Campaign Section
(Launching early March 2015)
This section of the account homepage allows for viewing details of campaign performance, as well as settings that can greatly affect the performance of a campaign. The information shown in this section is also driven by the date range selector in the upper right.
- Minimum bid: This is the CPM bid price required to receive any impressions for the segment the campaign is in. This min. bid is different based on campaign type.
- Your bid: The bid price you're currently paying.
- Top bid for that type of campaign from all advertisers in that segment
- Daily max spend for the campaign.
- Total daily max spend: This is the combined maximum spend rate for each campaign.
Campaign Settings
- Frequency Caps: Frequency capping is a term that means restricting (capping) the number of times (frequency) a specific visitor is shown a particular ad. Example: A frequency cap of 1 in 24 hours means the consumer will only be served a maximum of 1 ad in a 24-hour period for that campaign. The lower the frequency cap, typically, the more effective a campaign can be. This also can greatly restrict the number of ads shown.
- Days since visit: This is the maximum number of days, post someone visiting a website in the co-op, that someone is eligible for seeing an ad. Example: If "days since visit" is set to 7 days, then a consumer visiting a site in the co-op will only receive ads for 7 days following their visit. The lower this setting is, the more effective a campaign can be, but the number of eligible consumers is reduced as well.
- Day parting: This can restrict the times in which ads are shown for this campaign, based on the consumers time-zone. Example: Day parting of 10 am to 3 pm will only show ads to consumers during that time, for the time-zone they're in. This setting can also improve performance, but reduces the number of ads shown.
- Conversions, impressions, clicks, click-through rate %, and average cost-per-click are all performance metrics shown in the charts above.
Campaign Naming by Traffic Source
- Hivewyre currently runs on the Appnexus platform. The majority of our ad units are served via this demand-side platform.
- We will be adding new traffic sources to our solution as we grow. If a campaign is running on something other than Appenxus, it will be outlined in the campaign name.
- (Advertiser name) – (Category)(Traffic source if something other than Appnexus)(Campaign type) Campaign
- Example: (Bubba's Furniture) – (Outdoor Home & Garden) (Media Math) (Geo-Targeted) Campaign