Facebook Newsfeed Creative

Newsfeed ads appear in the middle of the page vs. Right-Hand Side ads.

Elements that need to be provided are in red:

  1. The logo from your Facebook brand page (these elements are pulled automatically and don't need to be provided).
  2. The name from your Facebook brand page (these elements are pulled automatically and don't need to be provided).
  3. The message from your post. Maximum of 500 characters including spaces, with no word having more than 20 characters.
  4. The image for your Newsfeed creative
    1. Must be in one of the following formats: JPF, PNG or GIF.
    2. For a larger, rectangular image:

      • Image must have an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.

      • The recommended size is 600x315.

      • The minimum acceptable size is 560x292.

      • Facebook will render these creatives at 470x246.

    3. For a smaller, square image:

      • The recommended size is 200x200. 

      • The minimum acceptable size is 90x90.
      • Facebook will render these creatives at 154x154.
      • Image must not be more than 20% text. You can check if your image is more than 20% text by using the Facebook grid tool.
  5. The title for the News Feed creative. This displays to the right of the image. Maximum of 55 characters including spaces, with no word having more than 20 characters.
    1. The landing page for the Newsfeed creative.  (not shown)
  6. The domain of the landing page URL. This is pulled automatically and does not need to be provided
  7. The body text of the Newsfeed creative. This displays under the title.
  8. The ID of the brand associated to brand's Facebook page. (details here)